Cage of Delirium (P)


*NOTA: Le falta el CD. Forrado con forro adhesivo. Esta mal forrado y tiene algunas arrugas. For decades, the ruined mansion south of town has been the source of furtive whispers and ill omens. While many have forgotten the night the sky burned red and the old halls fell to flame, all know that now…

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*NOTA: Le falta el CD. Forrado con forro adhesivo. Esta mal forrado y tiene algunas arrugas.

For decades, the ruined mansion south of town has been the source of furtive whispers and ill omens. While many have forgotten the night the sky burned red and the old halls fell to flame, all know that now its grounds are a dead place, where only fools and the suicidal dare tread. Yet those who do remember that fateful night nearly forty years ago can tell another tale: a tale of generosity, good intentions, and an unlikely romance, but also of jealousy, blasphemous curiosity, and demoniac insanity. The mansion to the south wasn’t just some fop’s manor house, they say, but a hospital – an asylum of the insane. Now the heroes must infiltrate the long-abandoned, fire-scarred, and cursed halls of Haverthold Asylum. Can they put to rest the spirits that still stalk the ruin’s halls?

If you enjoy this adventure, look for the rest of the Dungeon Crawl Classics series!

• Gates of Delirium, a complete soundtrack on CD specially cued to the adventure! Each room instructs the DM to cue the appropriate track, providing a truly immersive role playing experience.
• Produced in cooperation with the award-winning musicians from Midnight Syndicate.
• A truly unique adventuring experience that mixes puzzle-solving, mysteries, NPC interaction, and combat like you’ve never seen it before.
• Written by Dragon editor Wes Schneider with cover art by TSR legend Erol Otus.